We're Creating a Game!

The Idea

The leading protagonist is (you guessed it) a sloth!

The basic premise is this: a sleeping sloth MUST remain asleep! At all costs.

The Plan

We're working together as a family to draft up some art and come up with ideas on the storyline. So far, it's been a lot of fun to brainstorm and come up with fresh ideas!

We'll share more here as the concept is solidified.

The Technical

The initial plan is this:

  1. Draft up rough sketches and fun ideas as a family.
  2. Scan rough sketches into Photoshop.
  3. Clean up initial images and increase contrast.
  4. Use these images as reference images in an AI image-generation workflow to expand the character design.
  5. Use available software tools (more details to come!) to animate the characters as sprites and generate landscapes based on more stylized reference images.
  6. Use Unity to develop the 2D platformer game and stitch everything together.
  7. Share free game updates for our friends to test out until we refine this thing!

The Blog

In an effort to remain accountable to myself and to generate some traction and interest, I plan to blog about our progress and document the technical challenges we overcome along the way! Articles will appear rough (like this one) to start, and will be edited over time to a suitable state.

Stay tuned!